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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

starting with this definig moment (No 6)

Don’t Be A Perfectionist
Trying to be perfect takes too much time and effort. It creates too much stress and is impossible anyway. Instead, strive to relax at the 90% level. This is the personal mastery level. Following the Action Principles, reaching the 90% level in most of your financial and social endeavors will be something that you don’t even have to think about. It will happen through your persistence, determination, hard work and nice personality.
Right now, learn about the income and the lifestyle level of those in the top 10% of your profession. If you aren’t content earning more than 90% of your coworkers, choose another profession .
It is possible to try too hard in business, exercise and relationships. Overwork can produce stress and anxiety, which is the opposite of the inner peace you seek. Your best is good enough. Live to a high standard, not to an impossible obsession .
Remain Adaptable
In daily life, through a love of many things, it is possibleto remain adaptable. If it starts raining on the way to the beach, you’ll enjoy going to the movies. If you are kept waiting for an appointment, don’t get angry. Make a few calls or work on your schedule. If you get stuck in traffic, enjoy your favorite motivational audiotape, radio station or CD. Always have a book with you and you will never be alone. The small stuff can’t get you down if you are ready to substitute one good thing for another.
Think Win-Win
Thinking win-win is a frame of mind that seeks mutual benefit and is based on mutual respect. It is about bargainingfairly, and being open-minded and reasonable to all parties. It is about compromise and a sincere desire to find agreements that occupy the middle ground. Win - win is not taking advantage when it is understood that you are being trusted to act with honor.
It’s about thinking in terms of abundance. There is an ever-expanding ‘pie,’ a cornucopia of opportunity, wealth, and resources, not scarcity and adversarial competition.

Be Proud
Take pride in who you are and in those values and beliefs for which you stand. Be proud of your education, work and personal accomplishments. Be proud of your spouse, children and extended family. Be proud of your home and neighborhood. Be proud of your country. Be proud of your body, personal grooming and your manners. Be proud of the sports teams and cultural organizations that you support. Be proud of your government officials when they stand selflessly for the public good.
Don’t be afraid of who you are, since you act with courage and compassion.Tell others, and bask in the feeling of being your best. Teach others, so they, too,may be proud .
Be Decisive
You don’t have to wait for permission to do the right thing. Be decisive. Take the initiative. Get the facts. Do it now. If you don’t have time to send a letter to a sick friend, send a card, a fax or an e-mail. If you can’t visit your mother, call her. If you see a gift that a friend would love, buy it for him or her. If you can’t go to the gym or dojo for ninety minutes, go for forty minutes.
Avoid not doing things because you can’t get them done exactly as you’d originally planned. Be bold and get in the habit of doing something. Walk down one block. Pay three bills. Spend fifteen minutes with your children’s homework. Givefive dollars to charity. Small efforts done continually can yield significant, positiveresults. Do it now while it’s on your mind. You don’t have to be perfect to live the Action Principles. Just be a person of action. You must have more than good intentions to succeed. You must act. Get it done. Start it now.
Be the Warrior
The warrior is tough in loyalty, intensity, determination, bearing, initiative,endurance, courage and strength of will. The warrior is soft in calmness, selfconfidence and compassion. The warrior is frequently called upon to step for ward when most gladly step back. Warriors exist on the battlefield and in daily life.People may react to you rudely, selfishly and with malice. Be courteous anyway.Those you help may whine and offer no thanks. Help them anyway.Your honest words may be challenged and ridiculed. Speak anyway.Success may involve many mistakes and disappointments. Succeed anyway.Your donations may seem too small to matter. Give anyway.A warrior is a master, ever pre p a red to improve and to be of service to others.
Embody Integrity
As a follower of the Action Principles, you are proud, strong, friendly, generous and successful. Many will seek your counsel. People will depend on you. Have faith and a belief in your cause. Know what you will fight for and what you won’t. Do not compromise what is right. Stick to your convictions and principlesas you allow your ethical values to direct your decision-making. Integrity goes beyond self-interest to moral courage. Lying only leads to more lying.
Keep your promises. Fulfill your commitments. People want to know where you stand and for what you stand. People respect honesty and sincerity, but hate hypocrisy. Be consistent. Speak in clear precise facts. Be sure your words match your deeds. Do what you say and your credibility builds. You can not speaks tronger words than, “I give you my word . ”
Stay Centered
In the battles of life, you will take punches. Some may hurt. This too will pass.You are the center of your universe. Take care of your own needs first. Then go to your family, then to friends, neighbors and employees. Move on to the larger communities. Don’t use saving the world as an excuse to forget your family.Don’t allow others to rush or pressure you to act before you can decide what is right. The most important thing that a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
Stand with your knees slightly bent. Head up. Breathe deeply from your belly. You are avery small part of the grand scheme of things.You are one with the universe. You are every thing and nothing. Remain calm, balanced and aware .


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